By Michelle D'Ambra Castiglia
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
- A diet low in sugar, processed foods, caffeine, table salt, saturated fat and high in cooked vegetables, organic meat, unrefined sea salt and spring water is best.
- Type “A” personalities, not all, but those that tend to internalize anger and are more prone to heart attacks due to studies indicating that anger turned inward is associated with increased blood pressure.
- Type “D” personality known as “distressed” or “disease-prone” due to their tendency to worry, be irritable or express chronic negative emotions.
- Cadmium (found in cigarettes and marijuana) In hair mineral analysis a level greater than .06 mg% is associated with hardening of the arteries and kidney disease that can cause high
blood pressure.
- Toxic forms of nutrient minerals:
o Copper imbalance – High copper and copper deficiency are associated with cardiovascular disease.
o Toxic calcium – A toxic form of calcium often builds up in the arteries and kidneys as people age. On a hair mineral analysis this shows up as a Calcium Shell
- Getting plenty of rest and sleep
- Stress reducing activities such as light yoga, meditation, baths, adult coloring, get a massage, laughter, time with pets and being in the company of positive people are some suggestions
- Limiting alcohol intake, getting some sunshine, quitting bad habits such as smoking
- Keeping a healthy weight puts less strain on the heart. Obesity increases other health risks that lead to high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high triglycerides and high cholesterol. This group risk factor when at least 3 are present is known as metabolic syndrome, increasing a person’s risk for heart disease.
- Most people’s diet is low in nutrients, even if eating a diet high in vegetables the crops and soil today have less nutrients in them
- Prescription drugs worsen nutritional deficiencies
- Stress depletes minerals that lead to imbalances most common being copper/zinc causing copper toxicity
- Diets today have enough in omega-6 fatty acids but not enough omega-3. Omega-3’s can help with inflammation known to lead cardiovascular related diseases. Unfortunately, eating fish for omega-3 oil is not best due fish being too high in mercury. We always recommend taking a daily quality sourced fish oil supplement instead.
- Exercise is important for heart health, however vigorous exercise tends to cause more oxidative stress, whereas numerous studies have shown that brisk walking improves cardiovascular health with less oxidative stress and impact on joints.
Hair analysis indicators of cardiovascular disease
- In hair mineral analysis an indicator for a potential heart attack would be seen in a sodium/potassium ration less than 2.5, combined with fast oxidation. Even worse would be a Step-Up Pattern that is a fast oxidizer, sodium/potassium less than 2.5 AND a calcium/magnesium ratio less than about 4.
Further reading:
Heart patients with Type D personality at higher risk of future cardiovascular problems
Exercise and Cardiovascular Disease
Brisk Walking May Equal Running for Heart Health -
What Is Metabolic Syndrome? -