Now is the perfect time to take inventory and set goals for the coming year. Although moving can be stressful and a lot of work, it is also a great way to clear out and let go of things no longer serving me. Clutter can easily take over our surroundings and become overwhelming to deal with. When we take the time to clean up our surroundings, it also opens the door and creates space for the new. Maybe what you want to come into your life is not coming because you have not let go of things and/or emotions to allow room for what you want.
A couple of months ago I finally went through all my paper documents and scanned/shredded them. It was about a two-week process but it felt so good when I was finally done. This had been on my to-do list for 6 years! It is never too late to set or complete a goal. Now it’s more manageable for me to scan things immediately and shred them. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. How do I start organizing my life or surroundings? Writing a list of what you want to accomplish is the first step. Then break down that list into smaller goals. You can think of this as a task. Sometimes a task seems much less daunting than a goal. You can even share your list with someone and ask them to help you stay accountable.

“People with goals succeed because they know where they are going” – Earl Nightingale
Once you finish one thing on your list the sense of accomplishment will motivate you to continue. I know it does me. The most important thing to remember is to set your goals to be realistic. If you are in the beginning of your healing journey the goal list could be about letting go of feelings and emotions that have kept you from moving forward and reaching your goals. There is definitely a balancing act between not working too hard and not being too idle. I’ve been a believer that what we do in our spare time will dictate our future. If you spend a lot of time watching T.V., scrolling through social media, and playing online games, then don’t expect more money or opportunities to just show up at your doorstep. Yes, we don’t want to be working all the time, but being idle can be very draining in a different way because it’s not living our best self.
