Self care is...|

Thank you for stopping by. I suspect you are here because you don’t feel you are getting what you need in the world. You don’t feel well physically and spiritually. You are tired, can’t sleep, stressed out, and perhaps have mysterious physical symptoms. You know something is wrong, but traditional medicine, and your usual strategies are not working. You need a change but are unsure what it is.
Click here to find out more about working with me.

Self Care Coach is located in the Houston, Texas area serving clients all over the U.S. specializing in hair mineral analysis and nutritional balancing.
Just like you, I have been through many traumas and stressful life events. I would love to use my life experience and education in both physical wellness and spiritual growth to help you not only improve but thrive.
As your Self Care Coach, I’ll provide the support you need to make changes.
I’ll recommend diet modifications, based on your unique body chemistry,
utilizing Hair Mineral Analysis and other Nutritional Balancing Science.
Help with lifestyle changes such as adequate sleep and reducing stressors.
We can evaluate detoxification.
We’ll explore meditation and other techniques to help bring balance and
Stay Connected!